Messaggio di errore

  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property MergeQuery::$condition is deprecated in MergeQuery->__construct() (line 1357 of /htdocs/drupal7/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /htdocs/drupal7/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /htdocs/drupal7/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /htdocs/drupal7/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /htdocs/drupal7/includes/database/

I gatti e l'abbandono

E’ opinione comune che i gatti siano creature indipendenti, autonome, poco attaccate al loro convivente umano, e che quindi soffrano meno l’allontanamento da casa: niente di più errato!
