A kitten as a Christmas present? Better not.

It's Christmas time and the rush for gifts has started. We go around stalls, stores, and online, to look for the perfect gift to give the people we love and some of us are thinking that the perfect gift could rightly be a little furry friend. Why shouldn't we give a kitten as a gift to a person we love? Let's look at some reasons why this decision could be wrong and, in many cases, detrimental to both the animal and the person who receives it:


Christmas for cats

The holidays are here! What will our cat think of the Christmas environment? Colours, sounds, decorations, people coming and going, new smells, and lots of confusion... let's try to learn more:


Pleasure and pain of every cat owner, the Christmas tree is an incredible attraction for cats. The shape, the smell, the countless dangling objects, they represent a playground waiting to be enjoyed! What are the basic advices for the tree’s survival and the cat's safety?
